Too often, the time-consuming task of procurement is a spontaneous process performed by various members of staff whenever stocks are low. However, when the
supply chain is running inefficiently, companies endure the risk of downtime when stock runs out, or a lack of space for high-volume orders.
And with no clear system of stock planning in place, highly-paid staff waste valuable time on routine jobs such as ordering and replacing toner.
Kyocera’s MDS offers a wide range of efficient Supplies Management services - from automated procurement to fast Help Desk support.
Our Remote Monitoring system constantly checks all your consumables and reorders depleted materials automatically before you run out.
With our proactive delivery service, you will always have the consumables when and where you need them. You avoid unnecessary stock-piling and save time, expense and trouble.
In many companies, high-paid IT departments waste countless valuable hours on administration and management of the output infrastructure.
Even the most simple supplies order, repairs or installations require dealing with numerous vendors and service personnel. Further frustrations arise from the down-time and cost-inefficiency of using
a variety of suppliers and technicians.
With only one point of contact, Kyocera’s MDS saves you trouble, man-hours and down-time. Whether it’s new hardware, spare-parts or paper, we can arrange everything you need for any printer and
multifunctional device regardless of the brand.
You have only one contact person and one bill. And this frees your IT managers from tedious administration, so they can use their core skills for more productive tasks.
Reduced frustration and administration costs. Increased productivity for valuable IT staff.
Without ongoing management, it's impossible for your document output environment to continue functioning efficiently and therefore keep pace with advances in
business technology.
Ultimately, already over-worked IT departments struggle to find time to implement necessary innovations, keep repairs up-to-date and maintain compatibility between new and ageing devices.
Once we've optimized your document output environment, Kyocera’s MDS provides continuous management to ensure that everything works together smoothly and effectively. We work proactively to ensure
that performance stays at peak levels, carrying out constant cost control as well as remotely monitoring for any irregularities or maintenance requirements.
Efficiency is maintained through regular reporting to management and continuous improvements to meet your changing needs.
90% (IDC White Paper) of all companies have no idea what their true document costs are. There are many hidden costs that make output much more expensive than
most people assume such as inefficient hardware and workflows wasting time and resources.
Most companies don't know how many document output devices they have or what they are used for, and it's hard to identify where processes are creating expense. With no monitoring procedure in place,
other important areas are also left uncontrolled such as environmental impact or data security.
Kyocera takes a holistic approach when determining hidden costs and possible savings, providing you with a detailed analysis of your current set-up, the efficiency of your processes and the resulting
By taking all the relevant expenses into account, Kyocera’s MDS is a unique and vital strategy for every company that wants to realize its full potential for cost reduction.
The Kyocera’s MDS Assessment identifies the inefficiencies in your document output environment making it clear where savings can be made.
Studies show that companies spend up to 3% (Gartner) of their turnover on output costs. But output efficiency means more than just low-cost equipment and low
TCO (total cost of ownership). A lot of money is wasted through inefficient hardware, workflows and output management.
Most companies don't consider all the necessary factors when trying to lower their output costs. This is why currently only 16% (IDC White Paper) of all companies use document solutions, even though
67% (Quocirca) put a high strategic priority on output.
Kyocera’s MDS not only decreases your wastage but also increases your productivity. Our dynamic, three-phase process gets your workflows running at their optimum cutting costs and freeing up your IT
support from routine jobs that others can easily handle.
Step-by-step, Kyocera’s MDS discloses the weak points in your output environment, developing solutions and opening up savings potential. Our concept takes into account your unique technical, economic
and organizational demands tailoring a program for your company.
Experience shows MDS can reduce overall document costs by up to 30%, as well as reducing environmental impact and increasing productivity.